Proud Veteran

So... where to even begin!

It almost seems like another lifetime ago, no seriously, it does! In fact, I think it was!

It was 2003 when everything began to change. My mom passed away and I was selling my house just a few blocks from my parents place where I grew up in the same subdivision (Bonnie Acres) prompting me to move in with my dad. 

Now, back tracking: After serving in the U.S. Navy on the U.S.S Nimitz CVN-68 and then coming back home, I eventually moved into a house of my own on Fairfax, it was a tri-level next to my buddy Pete! Pete introduced me to Country Western Dancing where I spent the next 10 years dancing, joining a dance team, performing social and competition dance, met many different people including a girl named Christine whom I met at Diamonds&Spurs while dancing and whom I dated and we fell in love with each.  Unfortunately it wasn't meant to be and we went our separate ways. 

Fast forward to 2k3 when I sold my house, after my mom passed away, I moved in with my dad. I lived with my dad for years until it was time to move him into assisted senior living. I then experienced issues with the extreme cold and the VA Drs told me that I had a choice of either staying and struggling in the cold or leaving Michigan all together and heading to more warmer and dryer weather.

My dad had begun to change over time and for some unknown reason gave Power of Attorney to my cousin Audrey whom decided to start a war with my family and begin the task of ripping things apart. She even threatened to evict me after accusing me of telling my sister to either help clean the house or get off the title which was never the case. Unfortunately, my sister bought into her lies because Audrey played it up with her and told her she was there for her. She knew exactly what she was doing! I had decided to leave after having a long discussion with my brother. We cleaned up the house and I put all my stuff in storage.. where it still sits to this day! 

On December 2nd of 2009 I changed all the locks and put the new key inside the doorway with a note saying "Hope you had fun getting in!". It would take a locksmith to get in after I left!  I stayed in a hotel and had my last dinner with my brother.  At that point in time, no one except for my brother knew that I was leaving town.. unfortunately, there was no time to tell anyone, say goodbye etc.. I was in tears as a I crossed the Michigan/Ohio State line with my best friend Tiger (my cat) who endured the trip with me)!

To be honest, not being able to take the time to meet with my friends and say goodbye for the time being and letting them know about my plans and what I was facing.. was the hardest thing I ever had to endure. I lived with that guilt for years to come! I finally met up with my friends down the road and explained, they all forgave me as they understood my situation. I'd say that was awfully nice of them! I had always dreamed of getting together to say goodbye to everyone, I kind of felt robbed of that experience. 

I traveled through many different states and took my time because well, to be perfectly honest, even I really had no clue where the end would take me. I did have an idea that it might be Arizona but I was keeping my options open. I had a massive snow storm on my tail the entire time so that was also kind of aiding me in my decision to keep going. My trip was both fun and exciting and somewhat lonely. I had my best friend Tiger with me and he was all curled up in the front seat.  When I visited Nashville, TN, I thought of all the fantastic memories with my awesome friend and dance partner Ann! We danced everything under the sun together at one point or another. We danced both social and competitively. We absolutely rocked the progressive 2 Step!

I traveled through many states in a vacation kinda style. I eventually ended up here in Arizona sight unseen! Ironically, when I crossed the state line to AZ, there was a blinding snow blizzard so I couldn't see "Welcome to Arizona"! What a Rip! I stopped at every state line and took a picture until entering AZ!

I came via I-40 and entered I-17 down a big mountain. I came through a place called Camp Verde which I later found out was in Verde Valley. It was truly a unique experience seeing the Phoenix City Lights for the first time. Now, full disclosure, I was never running.. I was just so mad at my dad and the situation that I felt I didn't want anyone to know what was going on at the time because I didn't want anyone to say anything. I just kept it all hush hush.  When I finally got my first apartment on December 31st 2009 in Glendale, Az.. I received noticed from Southfield Police stating that if I wanted to challenge or fight eviction from my parents place, I'd have to show up in court. No, Thanks! 

Now, Audrey put the house up on a fire sale to get what they could and screw my dad, my mom and my entire family. She was pure evil in every sense of the word! She eventually DIED in 2016! Good Riddance! Karma bit her in the ASS!

Eventually I came home for my dad's funeral and eventually saw my sister, we had a talk and she finally believed me that Audrey lied to her extremely well. She was in total disbelief and when she finally found out where I had been living, she was in tears because it has been years since she actually knew anything.  I had to fight the urge to go over to my uncle's family and really say something.. but.. it was a FUNERAL.. so I thought about my dear cousin Joyce's words and didn't do anything nor say anything. It was a lot to handle! I'm so glad my dear close friends and family were there for me!

I've met many people over the course of time since being here in Az.. each with their share of ups and downs. 

I began looking for work when I lived in Glendale, AZ. I had no clue about the Valley which is actually called "Valley of the Sun"! I was getting calls from numbers that came from the East Valley.. eventually, I moved to the East Valley. I've been here ever since, the vibe is fantastic! I eventually ended up at a great place called Viasat where I worked for many years. I left and ended up at Game and Fish where I began working on the Security side of computers. When I left that position, I ended up driving for Uber and Lyft for at least 8 months! This was probably the greatest experience in many ways. 1. I met so many different people from your average person to bonafide stars! 2. I experienced a huge somewhat self guided tour of the Valley which seriously helps me to this day where getting around is now an advantage for me. Eventually, I found one more position before entering the security side of computers and then landing a position in cyber security. Who Knew! I would honestly say that I know the Valley today about as well as I know my original home town! 

I've had someone whom I considered a best friend - desert me in time of need without so much as talking it out and didn't so much as tell me why! His wife apparently also had issues with me given my age just because I was single.. what, does that make me a freak?!?

Welcome the next phase of my life, I met Shelby by way of Subway who became yet another best friend.. didn't really see that coming but hey, who can predict the future! Shelby and I began to talk as I visited daily, she eventually came to me and we became friends on FB, that progressed to actual friendship! After a while, I highly encouraged her to seek employment in her actual degree. Shelby has a Bachelor's Degree and should be working where they will absolutely appreciate her talents vs her subway mgr who has no clue on how to treat his employees. Shelby is now finally working in her field and is way happier in the "REAL WORLD" and is in the process of making life changing decisions and moves (she's absolutely endured a lot however i'm confident that in the end she'll come out way stronger and further ahead)! We spent our first NYE for 2025 together and had an absolute blast.. unfortunately it had to end early (In my point of view that is) but it was fantastic! Thank you Shelby - I'm Literally so Incredibly Proud of YOU!

I've met many people along the way and they've all welcomed me with open arms. I have no words for that. It's always nice to feel welcomed and the sense of belonging. I only hope that I never have to be that "hidden friend" for anyone because of my age.. and I hope to one day meet that special someone!